New Covid Strain

Starting with the emergence of the virus, there were 2 different things, but people are interchanging the two names. Initially, the virus was called the "Wuhan virus" furthermore shifted it to "novel coronavirus-2019" to "COVID-19 virus." The name of the new coronavirus that first occurred in China has been evolving to its now official designation: SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2).

How harmful is this a new covid strain?

NERVTAG, the abbreviation of “The New Emerging Respiratory Virus Threat Advisory Group”, which is an advisory body of the UK had announced that the new COVID-19 also called SARS-CoV-2, which is 70% more harmful than that of COVID-19. There was a meeting on the 18th of December 2020, which suggested that data were insufficient to end the severity of the disease. This recent version of Covid-19 was disclosed in early December 2020, combining genome data with the knowledge that infection rates were not decreasing despite national constraints.
A question that can never be answered is where does the new version comes from. The first place we traced it back to the announced organization, was in Kent and London. But it is not clear that it is there. It is worth remembering that the UK undertakes much more Sars-Cov-2 sequence in many other countries and the fact that we have found that there may be more to it than about its preliminary origins.
It was always speculated that the genome of Sars-Cov-2 would be mutated. After all, this is what viruses and other microbes do. The Sars-CoV-2 genome acquires one or two mutations each month as it circulates.

What is the mutation?

A mutation is a continuous change in the genetic substance (DNA or RNA) of a virus. If a mistake occurs during DNA replication or RNA of the virus, mutations can occur. Few viruses have relatively high mutation rates, but this is not the case. In general, RNA viruses retain high mutation rates, while DNA viruses have low mutation rates.
Why is this the case? The main difference is in copying machinery. Largely DNA viruses copy their genetic material using enzymes from the host cell, known as DNA polymerase, that "proofread" (take mistakes and fix as they go). RNA viruses instead use enzymes called RNA polymerase, which does not proofread and thus make many more mistakes.

Will the vaccine still work?

Let’s clear up two things:
a) Vaccines do not treat diseases, they are meant to prevent them.
b) As far as it is known, existent vaccines against Covid-19 should be effective (unless proven otherwise) against the new variant Covid-19 strains.

Quite a scientist has said that so far no evidence has been found so that the news train is more dangerous or fatal but it is said that it can be responsible for spreading very quickly. Mr. Hancock stated that the latest clinical advice is that it is far less likely that this mutation will fail to respond to a vaccine. The vaccine produces antibodies against several regions in the spike protein, and it is unlikely that a single change would make the vaccine less effective. However, this can happen over time as more mutations occur, as does every year with the flu.

Impact of a new strain of Covid-19

After having fear of the new strain of covid-19, the United Kingdom broke away from the rest of Europe, as many nations decided to close the borders due to fears of a new coronavirus strain. France came to be the first country to close its border with Britain for 48 hours. This COVID-19 VIRUS has caused more deaths than any other pathogen in our world history, so it MUST be taken very seriously! Probably the caveat that should be considered in receiving the vaccine, IS, if the person is prone to allergic reactions, OR have other health problems or diseases, they should tell their physician of their concerns and ask if it is okay for them to receive the vaccine.

Disclaimer: Team Gyani Gurus strives to make sure that the knowledge and details are accurate. However, despite our biggest efforts, a number of the content may comprise errors. We encourage the viewers to kindly fact check themselves.

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